Светът на автомобилния спорт отдава днес почит на Ники Лауда. Трикратният световен шампион във Формула 1 почина на 20 май във Виена. Австриецът се превърна в легенда още приживе и бе сред най-уважаваните хора в спорта изобщо. Преживял ужасяваща катастрофа по време на Гран при на Германия през 1976 г., той бе пример за огромно желание за работа и притежаваше невероятна воля за преодоляване на трудностите.
Niki, 1949 – 2019 pic.twitter.com/tMPi7s2ODE
— Mercedes-AMG F1 (@MercedesAMGF1) May 21, 2019
Everyone at Ferrari is deeply saddened at the news of the death of our dear friend Niki Lauda. He won two of his three world championships with us and will always be in our hearts and in those of all Ferrari fans. Our sincere condolences go to all his family and friends.#CiaoNiki pic.twitter.com/mbzZBNZiRZ
— Scuderia Ferrari (@ScuderiaFerrari) May 21, 2019
Niki Lauda was a hero of motor sport, who inspired me in my youth. He is a milestone in the history of @F1 . All my thoughts go out to his family, friends and @MercedesAMGF1 team.#NikiLauda #F1 pic.twitter.com/aAoIVwexZU
— Jean Todt (@JeanTodt) May 21, 2019
I will never forget when I met you and all your advice Niki. All my thoughts are with your family. ??
Nunca olvidaré cuando nos conocimos y todos tus consejos. Todo mi apoyo a los familiares y amigos. ??#RIPNikiLauda #legend pic.twitter.com/eexAudFlDl— Marc Márquez (@marcmarquez93) May 21, 2019
We’re saddened to learn that Niki Lauda has passed away
A three-time @F1 world champion who epitomised bravery and brilliance. A true legend who transcended motorsport
Our thoughts are with his family, friends and the entire F1 community pic.twitter.com/VfjLBvkaFp
— MotoGP™ ?? (@MotoGP) May 21, 2019
Шефът на Мерцедес Тото Волф заяви, че кончината на Лауда оставя огромна празнина във Формула 1
„Ники винаги ще е сред най-големите легенди в спорта. Той съчетаваше героизъм, човечност и честност и в кокпита, и извън него. Загубихме не просто един герой, сътворил най-изумителното завръщане в спорта, но и човек, носещ безценни яснота и откровеност в съвременната Формула 1. Ще ни липсва страшно много като гласа на разума”, каза още Волф.
Niki Lauda was a pure example of hard work pays off! He said he had a great ass & could feel everything the car was doing. My Hero and I wish I was a Senna but I often think I was born more like a Lauda! Thank you Niki for all that you gave the sport, sad you have left us ? pic.twitter.com/XcAW1AfGco
— Simon Pagenaud (@simonpagenaud) May 21, 2019
It is with great sadness that we say goodbye today. Not many have embodied our sport like you, with such courage and passion. You are an inspiration, a true great, a legend. Thank you Niki. Rest in peace. pic.twitter.com/qZY7wcxf4l
— Renault F1 Team (@RenaultF1Team) May 21, 2019
A champion. A legend. A friend.
Ruhe in Frieden Niki. pic.twitter.com/dZ7CJmi5nC
— Aston Martin Red Bull Racing (@redbullracing) May 21, 2019